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Daily use Smart English phrases and idioms – ऱोज बोले जाने वाले useful phrases

These Smart English phrases and idioms will help you to speak smart English.

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Here are some Smart English phrases and idioms:

A gala day : ( ख़ुशी का दिन ,Khushi ka din)

: a day of great joy

The day of his marriage was a gala day for him.

At snail’s pace  : ( कम रफ़्तार से ,kam rafter se )

: very slow speed

The work is going on at snail’s pace.

Apple of discord: ( झगड़े की जड़ , jhagde ka jadh)

: the root cause of dispute

The small piece of land is the apple of discord between two brothers.

An eye wash:  ( धोखा , dhokha)

: deception

He is a mean and heartless fellow. His sympathy for the widow is just an eye wash.

At large : ( फरार , fraar)

: out of custody

The criminal is still at large.

Above board: (ईमानदार , Imaandaar)

: honest

He is above board in his dealings.

At low ebb : (पतन की ओर , patan ki or )

: declining

His efficiency is at a low ebb.

Add fuel to the fire : (आग में घी डालना , aag me ghee dalna)

Why are you adding fuel to the fire.

Above all : (सबसे बढकर ,sabse badkar )

: at the highest point

He is a good doctor , above all he is a good man.

Adept in : (निपुण , nipun)

: to be expert

She is adept in painting.

Add insult to injury : (नुक्सान और अपमान करना , nuksaan aur apmaan karna)

:to harm as well as humiliate 

His boss dismissed him. To add insult to injury , he didn’t give him wages for one week.

All moonshine : (बकवास , bakwaas)

: gossip and imaginary thing

His statement was not based on reality. It was all moonshine.

All over with :(खत्म होना , khatam hona)

: finished

The matter was all over with his departure .

As good as gold : (बहुत अच्छा ,bahut achha)

: very good

He is as good as gold.

At a standstill: (गतिहीन , gtiheen)

: motionless

Due to shortage of funds, the construction work is at stand still.

At a stretch : (लगातार , lgatar)

: continuously

He worked for 12 hours at a stretch.

At any cost: (किसी भी कीमत पर , kisi bhi keemat par)

: any how

I want to get this at any cost.

All the rage : (बहुत परसिद्ध , Bahut parsidh)

: Very popular

This fashion was all the rage ten years ago.

Try on : पहन कर देखना

: to put on a piece of clothing in order to see how it looks and whether it fits

What a lovely dress! Why don’t you try it on?

The tailor asked me to try on the coat.

Try out : जाँच के लिए चलाकर देखना

:to test someone or something to see what they are like or whether they are suitable or effective

You should try out that LED T.V.  before you finally buy it.

Turn against – किसी के खिलाफ खड़े हो जाना

:to stop supporting 

She turned against her best friend.

Turn in – प्रस्तुत करना

When you turn in a completed piece of work, especially written work, you give it to the person who asked you to do it.

He turned in his answer paper and came out of the examination hall.

Watch over – निगरानी करना, रक्षा करना

:to guard

The dog faithfully watched over his master’s sleeping child.

Wear off – धुँधला पड़ना

: lose effectiveness or intensity.

This color will wear off soon.

समय नष्ट करना – While away

:Spend time idly

Get to work. Don’t while away your time in trifles.

Wink at  – अनदेखी करना

:to ignore

I cannot wink at his faults any longer.

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