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Preposition Worksheet

1.Instructions: Fill in the blank in each sentence with the correct preposition.

  1. I went to the store ___________ buy some bread. (to / for / with)
  2. My dog likes to sleep ___________ the couch. (in / on / under)
  3. The book is ___________ the table. (in / on / at)
  4. The teacher is standing ___________ the whiteboard. (in front of / behind / beside)
  5. We have a meeting ___________ 10:00 am. (on / at / in)
  6. The cat is hiding ___________ the bed. (on / under / beside)
  7. I’m going to the party ___________ my friends. (with / for / to)
  8. The restaurant is ___________ the corner of Main Street and 1st Avenue.
  9. The ball is ___________ the box. (in / on / beside)
  10. The store is closed ___________ Sundays. (on / at / in)

Answer key:

  1. to
  2. on
  3. on
  4. in front of
  5. at
  6. under
  7. with
  8. on
  9. in
  10. on

2.Instructions: Fill in the blank in each sentence with the correct preposition.

  1. The party starts ___________ 8:00 pm. (at / on / in)
  2. He’s been waiting ___________ the bus stop for 30 minutes. (in / on / at)
  3. I’m going to the gym ___________ my friend. (with / for / to)
  4. The train arrived ___________ the station at noon. (at / in / on)
  5. The cat is sleeping ___________ the bed. (on / in / under)
  6. She’s been studying ___________ the library all day. (in / on / at)
  7. The restaurant is ___________ the park. (at / in / on)
  8. The store is ___________ the street from the post office. (on / at / across)
  9. The cat is hiding ___________ the couch. (in / on / under)
  10. He lives ___________ his parents. (with / for / by)

Answer key:

  1. at
  2. at
  3. with
  4. at
  5. on
  6. in
  7. in
  8. across
  9. under
  10. with

3.Instructions: Fill in the blank in each sentence with the correct preposition.

  1. The museum is ___________ the street from the park. (across / at / in)
  2. The hotel is ___________ the top of the hill. (on / at / in)
  3. She was born ___________ December 31st. (at / in / on)
  4. The concert is ___________ the stadium. (in / on / at)
  5. I’m meeting him ___________ the airport. (at / in / to)
  6. She’s been living ___________ her own since she was 18. (with / by / on)
  7. The cat is ___________ the tree. (in / on / up)
  8. The party is ___________ the rooftop of the building. (on / at / in)
  9. The train is ___________ schedule. (on / in / at)
  10. The car is ___________ the garage. (in / on / at)

Answer key:

  1. across
  2. at
  3. on
  4. at
  5. at
  6. on
  7. up
  8. on
  9. on
  10. in